ugly, ugly, february 4, 2010
bryce 2.0 island
as a child growing up, there was a mantra passed on to me by my older brother mykola: imperfection is perfection. a design family, at a young age, our parents bought us a mac se(exotic at the time) to spark our creativity. we spent all of our subsequent free time, into adulthood and beyond, making 2 dimensional animations, later graduating to what constituted 3-d in those days. what quickly became apparent, even to our young eyes, was that the 2-d pixel and 3-d primitive geometries, the then standard tools of design, made everything we created a little too perfect. whereas in reality even the most polished surface contained scratches and dimples, our swivel 3d cubes and cylinders had no flaws to speak of. for hours on end, time which would have been better spent playing outdoors, we would sit next to each other at the computer screen attempting to fabricate the imperfect. this played out in dirtied texture and bump maps, and relying heavily on post processing in photoshop. we were not alone in our awkward relationship with the ultra perfect. freud developed the theory of the uncanny in the 1900's, which documents a general discomfort with objects that are familiar and foreign at the same time. in film, the term uncanny valley is used to describe the repulsion that is felt when observing digital actors whose movement falls just short of natural _ this accounts for the unease you might have experienced when watching the final fantasy movie for the first time, or more recently avatar(though the latter is more successful at tricking our perception). while i am not certain that there are any conclusions to be drawn from this post, i will state that, to this day, i am disturbed by my rhino viewfinder.