vadim sztepa vadim sztepa

infinity totems

the infinite figures series of necklaces result from combining two triangular prisms and and two cubes in every possible combination, resulting 256 base forms…

256 combinations of paired triangular prisms and cubes

256 combinations of paired triangular prisms and cubes

the infinity totems result from a matrix of two cubes and two triangular prisms configured in every possible square arrangement, resulting in 1024 base forms. These 1024 forms are then stacked at random into small, medium, large and extra large figures, producing an almost infinite number of possible combinations for each totem. this makes each artifact unique, and special to you.

even the smallest necklace, which is only four layers tall, results in over a trillion (1,099,511,627,776) possible combinations, a number that is equivalent to the number of seconds in 31,546 years, which is longer than humans have existed on earth. alas, we are all insignificant specs of dust when compared to the scale of the unbounded universe. the infinite figures necklaces were designed both as a reminder of this fact, but also as a means of tapping into the abstract notion of infinity through the physicality of a simple object that can be held to our chests.

necklaces are completed with a simple metallic chain, in 14k gold, sterling silver, or brass.

figures are made to order. production and delivery times may vary.

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vadim sztepa vadim sztepa

interdimensional wallpaper

the first apartment that i moved into in nyc was a basement apartment…

the first apartment that i moved into in nyc was a basement apartment. the front of the apartment opened out onto a sunken courtyard, with full sized windows, so that if you only experienced the space from this vantage, you would never know how far below the earth it was buried. interdimensional wallpaper was developed out of this curiosity around the ground datum that existed beyond the walls of that first apartment, and as a way of making tangible the phenomena, whether real or imaginary, that exist beyond the physical boundaries of the spaces we inhabit.

in order to achieve its illusion, the wallpaper is installed so that the divide between the subterranean and above ground scenes is aligned to the outside ground plane. owners are encouraged to play with these datums and to align them with their imagined realities. the patterns may also be applied monolithically, in which case they function as a standard wallpaper without seems.

interdimensional wallpaper is made to order. production and delivery times may vary.

trellis : day
from $15.00
trellis : night
from $15.00
kanin : day
from $15.00
kanin : night
from $15.00
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vadim sztepa vadim sztepa


reigns is a series of rings that register a family members position within the family hierarchy…

reigns is a series of rings that register a family members position within the family hierarchy. the grandparents of the family receive the most elaborate ring, which reflects both their age, but also the wisdom that they have accumulated during their time on earth, and their roles in birthing and nurturing subsequent generations. as the rings descend within the family order, they reduce in size and become less intricate. As subsequent generations are born, the rings are passed down, functioning as heirlooms but also communicating shifting familial roles.

all of the rings are produced through the packing of pentagonal prisms, which results in a star pattern both at their centers and in their aggregate forms, which ties all of the rings together visually as a family. the star also represents pagan spirituality and the magical qualities of familial blood lines.

reigns are made to order. production and delivery times may vary.

reigns : child
from $75.00
reigns : parent
from $100.00
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vadim sztepa vadim sztepa


the skyline series of rings are designed to stack and allow you to create an actual skyline on your hand…

the skyline series of rings are designed to create a miniature skyline on your hand. individual rings come in a variety of building sizes and types, to give you the flexibility to arrange your skyline exactly the way you want it, whether modeled after the small town you grew up in, with pitched roofs and church spires, or the gleaming metropolis of soaring skyscrapers that you aspired to move to. whether stacked, or worn on separate fingers, every skyline is unique, and so are you.

rings are made to order. production and delivery times may vary.

skyline : home
from $100.00
skyline : church
from $100.00
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vadim sztepa vadim sztepa


the superhero ring registers the boolean difference between a simple circular band, and a pentagonal cellular structure…


the Superhero ring registers the Boolean difference between a simple circular band, and a pentagonal cellular structure. Variety in the scale, orientation and patterning of the pentagonal threads results in varied forms, however common visual elements emerge across rings. the star is an ode to the cosmos, as well as to pagan spirituality and witchcraft. it is a reminder that even in the simplest geometries, complex patterns and systems may emerge.

rings are made to order. production and delivery times may vary.

from $50.00
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